Weighted Blanket Buying Guide

Buying Guide

weighted blanket review

The ultimate buyer’s guide: all you need to know before buying a weighted blanket. 

Despite the importance of quality sleep to our health, many people worldwide have trouble falling asleep. Experts connect this problem to anxiety, insomnia, and other medical conditions. You may already know or hear about several solutions to sleeping problems, most of such being the use of medication. Due to unwanted side effects, occupational therapists and experts see a non-medicinal approach as a more suitable solution. Doctors see significant improvements in people with sleeping problems who use weighted blankets. Weighted blankets may become an alternative to medication or even complement existing therapies. They are becoming an increasingly popular way to address symptoms of sleeping disorders, among other problems. 

If you have never seen or used a weighted blanket, you may wish to know what a weighted blanket is and all the vital information you should know to help you make the right choice when buying one. This guide explores how weighted blankets work, standard design features to look for, health benefits, and tips for shoppers.

What are Weighted Blankets?

Weighted blankets, or gravity blankets, are a unique form of a ‘thick and heavy blanket,’ as the name suggests. These blankets are similar to ordinary comforters, duvets, and quilts but significantly heavier. However, there is more to them than just the weight. They are mainly designed to help people who struggle to initiate or maintain sleep. The blankets are filled with unique materials that apply calming pressure to your body, mimicking the feeling of a giant warm hug! This pressure is a sensory input that helps people sleep peacefully.

Weighted blankets weigh from 4 to 20 pounds and vary in size depending on the weight of the person using them. The size changes proportionately with the weight; for example, a 20-pound blanket will be longer than a 5-pound blanket. Through their weight, these blankets create pressure which helps promote quality sleep by stimulating the production of natural hormones that control your sleep cycle. They help produce a calming effect on the body’s nervous system.

There is a wide range of weighted blanket models for sale today. They come in multiple sizes, weights, fabric designs, and materials. Most blanket sellers will list out all weights and sizes for a buyer to choose from. Brand and model selection depends entirely on the users’ preferences and specific needs.

How do weighted blankets work?

Understanding how weighted blankets work is essential before purchasing and reaping the needed benefits. What is the science behind it?

The science behind these blankets is Deep Touch Pressure (DTP). Deep pressure stimulates specific receptors in the skin to help regulate our sensory systems to produce a calming effect. The force applied to your body helps release serotonin, a ‘happiness hormone .’This hormone regulates anxiety, general mood, appetite, sleep, memory, and social behavior.

Weighted blankets also create a ‘grounding effect’ on the body, which studies have proven to be an effective way to improve sleep. By applying moderate pressure, it pushes your body onto the sleeping surface. What this does to your body is reduce the production of cortisol, a hormone triggered by stressful conditions. Cortisol is not automatically bad for you; the problem is that its output during the night inhibits melatonin production, which hinders sleep quality. Melatonin is triggered by natural light, which makes us wakeful in the morning and tired at night. People with insomnia tend to produce less melatonin leading to sleeping problems. Weighted blankets go a long way to help people with insomnia and other issues linked to the low production of melatonin.

Dentists have been known to give weighted blankets to patients to alleviate high-stress levels before an examination. The weight of these blankets also simulates a big hug. The most exciting bit about this is that our brain releases the chemical dopamine that decreases the heart rate when we get a hug or anticipate a hug. Hugging also promotes the production of oxytocin, which can help reduce anxiety and stress.

Who uses Weighted Blankets?

The calming effect of weighted blankets may benefit adults and children having trouble sleeping. Doctors and occupational therapists have seen great improvements in sleeping patterns when applying weighted blanket patterns to patients. Weighted blankets can also be used to complement treatment and therapies for other medical conditions, such as:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD)
  • Autism
  • Insomnia
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among children and adults
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Sensory processing disorder (SPD) in children
  • Sleep apnea
  • Narcolepsy
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia & chronic pain
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Who cannot use weighted blankets?

Weighted blankets may not be for everyone. They may add some weight as well as heat. People with the following problems should consult their doctors before using weighted blankets.

  • Women going through menopause and experiencing hot flashes due to the extra warmth
  • Claustrophobia or issues of fear of being trapped due to the excess weight of these blankets
  • Chronic health conditions
  • Circulatory issues
  • Respiration issues
  • Temperature regulation issues

What are the Benefits of Weighted Blankets?

Weighted blankets will help you reap all the benefits of quality sleep and stress-reducing therapies right in the comfort of your bed, at school, or on the go.

Reduces stress and anxiety

Weighted blankets can help alleviate stress and anxiety among adults and children. It achieves this by mimicking a hug which releases happy hormones.

Improves the nervous system

The extra weight on weighted blankets helps calm the body and reduce physical restlessness. The neurochemicals released by these also help calm down nervous activity.


Children who have autism are low in serotonin. These blankets are quite helpful as they promote the production of serotonin in the brain.

Deep sleep

The blanket is thought to create a sense of physical connection, warmth, and safety. It puts the mind at ease, sending you into a deep sleep. They are safe to use, and inducing calmness can help people achieve deep sleep.

Reduces cortisol levels

Weighted blankets can help reduce levels of cortisol, which is a flight hormone that is produced in stressful conditions. Cortisol can cause restlessness during sleep. Grounding from the weight of the blanket helps lower cortisol.

Improves general health

High cortisol levels can weaken your immune system, increase blood sugar levels and negatively affect your digestive system. Weighted blankets can lower blood sugar levels, improve digestion and boost your body’s ability to fight diseases.

Improved memory and concentration

By improving the quality and length of your sleep, weighted blankets will enhance your memory, concentration, and productivity at work or school for children.

Manages symptoms of SPD

SPD (sensory processing disorder) is when patients feel overwhelmed and anxious when receiving too much information. It leads to learning and behavioral changes in children. There is no cure for this condition, but only ways to manage the symptoms. Research suggests that deep touch pressure therapy can help patients with SPD feel calmer and less anxious. Occupational therapists do this therapy, but with weighted blankets, we can enjoy such full benefits can at home, in school, or on the go.

Fights insomnia

Studies on insomnia patients found that those that slept in weighted blankets had an easier time falling asleep and experienced less restlessness at night than those who didn’t.

Improve classroom behavior

Research suggests that weighted blankets can provide a sense of security and extra sensory stimulation to children with ADHD. It improves fine motor skills such as writing.

Soothes Obsessive-compulsive behavior and aggression

Weighted blankets have been proven to increase serotonin levels in the body. They thus work well to deal with all conditions of low serotonin levels. OCD is one of the conditions associated with low serotonin. Therefore, increasing serotonin levels alleviate symptoms of OCD as well as bipolar disorder and aggression.

What to look for when Buying a Weighted Blanket

It is essential to look out for the right blanket for you. The primary considerations here are weight, size, and material. I advise you to also look for interior fill, cleaning, and weight distribution. The choice of size and weight is also dependent on the condition. For instance, people with autism may require a heavier blanket than someone with an anxiety disorder. It is also best to select your favorite color and fabric for your blanket. That way, you will love it more.

The critical design features for weighted blankets


Just how big should my weighted blanket be? You might need answers to such questions. The size of these blankets corresponds to all standard home blankets. However, here are a few things you should know first. 

The size of your weighted blanket depends entirely on your size or the user’s size and its intended use. The right size is small for kids up to six years of age. For kids between six to twelve years typically require a medium size. For taller teenagers and adults, the best size for them is large. However, due to differences in body sizes, such as circumference, I recommend you consult with your seller to allocate the best size for you.

It is also best to remember the following points. Smaller blankets should weigh less than larger ones due to pressure distribution. A small blanket concentrates more pressure per surface area than a larger one. Heavier blankets should be more extensive than lighter ones. Also, the weighted blanket should fit around your body and not your bed. Why is this? Because, unlike your ordinary blanket, the ends of the weighted blanket should not hang over the edge of the bed. The extra hanging weight pulls the blanket such that it keeps sinking to the floor repeatedly. It could severely affect the quality of your sleep, beating the whole purpose of why you bought them. The size of the weighted blanket should match your body, not your mattress.


Weight is the most critical factor to consider when selecting your weighted blanket. A majority of them weigh between 5 to 30 pounds. Your weight (or the intended user) should help you determine the ideal weight of your weighted blanket. The recommended method to use when choosing the weight is going for one that weighs 10% of your body weight. However, due to weight and pressure distribution issues (remember the pressure-size relationship), we add extra pounds on top of the 10% as the size increases.

You might find manufacturers offering models with a ‘one weight to fit all’ design. You can fold these in various ways to distribute weight according to the user’s specific needs.

For small blankets; measuring 34 inches by 50 inches, go for 10% of the user’s body weight plus one pound. Consult your pediatrician before using a weighted blanket on children below the age of 3 years.

For medium blankets; measuring 38 inches by 62 inches, go for 10% of the user’s weight plus two pounds.

For large blankets; measuring 38 inches by 72 inches, go for 10% of your body weight plus three pounds. This blanket fits all adults and taller teenagers.

For queen-sized blankets, consult the manufacturer to help determine the best weight according to your intended use.


Tastes and preferences go a long way here, especially when choosing the suitable fabric for your weighted blanket. It is best to pick one from a natural fiber of exceptionally breathable 100% cotton. Although a bit pricey, they sleep cooler. Polyester and other synthetic fibers are generally cheaper. It is a good idea to take note of your allergic reactions, and more so because synthetic fibers tend to be much hotter.

Buying one with a soft and wooly touch will improve comfort and sleep quality. People with sensory issues should do more due diligence here as the type of fabric is central to their experience.

Interior fill

Depending on the manufacturer, they fill weighted blankets with materials ranging from glass or plastic beads, glass sand, and fiber pill for extra softness. Please ensure the blanket has distributed the beads evenly, and they are not allowed to move throughout the blanket. I recommend going for glass beads as they make less noise during movements.


The last thing to look at is whether the blanket is machine washable. Machine washable blankets are recommended to avoid getting worn out quickly.

Essential tips for weighted blanket buyers

There are many brands with hundreds of designs and models. I want to give you a few final tips to think about when settling on your final choice.

What is your budget?

No matter your budget, do not compromise on quality, as this product’s effectiveness depends on quality. Most blankets cost an average of $100 in stores but it cheaper online. It is wise to look for those that offer warranties, as this is a reasonable guarantee of quality.

What is your weight?

Pay keen attention to your exact weight. You should go below 10% of your weight, generally between 5-10%. The best way to do this is to test out several blankets before buying to identify the ideal weight. Also, consider weight gain and loss, as this will make a significant difference over time.

Any underlying medical conditions?

If you have conditions that are affected by weight and excess heat, consult your doctor before buying one.

Are you buying a blanket for your child?

For children five years and younger, discuss with your pediatrician of any safety risks present in your child. Do not use a weighted blanket that your child cannot lift off.

Your size preference

You may need to compromise the length and width of your blanket to find the ideal weight for your body. Do not compromise the weight of the blanket to meet your size preferences.

Your ideal body temperature

Whether you love to sleep cooler or warmer, it is best to go for blankets with natural fibers. These materials maintain steady temperatures. If you have no issues with slightly warm sleep, you will have no problems with synthetic fibers.

Blanket cover?

Read the design specs to see whether your blanket comes with a cover. If you still need to, be sure to confirm that you can buy your covers. Remember you don’t want to wash the blanket frequently.

Trial or warranty?

Some companies that sell weighted blankets offer trial periods. It allows customers to return it for refunds within a limited period. Others provide warranties to protect against defects. Others sellers offer none of the above.

Are you ready to relax now? Get a weighted blanket for yourself or your loved ones today!

It doesn’t matter which design feature you prefer. The bottom line is that your life will undergo significant changes. Here is the non-medicinal approach to dealing with your anxiety and stress that you have been waiting for. Millions of people can attest to the number of benefits you can realize from using these blankets. Say goodbye to suffering with this simple home remedy.

Where to buy weighted blankets

Amazon has a great selection of weighted blankets. Here are the top three sellers. Take the Weighted Blanket Buying Tips and go forth confidently, knowing how to select the one best for you.

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